Now I’m sure most of you would have seen SS501’s Kim HyunJoong reveal his toned master piece of a body during his performance of Please be Nice to Me at their Asia tour last year, which earned him the nickname ‘JjitJoong’. But I bet you have been wondering “Just how did he get that amazing looking body so fast?”
Well no need to question it anymore as SBS E!TV ‘Star Q10’ will be doing an investigation of the secret abs of ‘JjitJoong’ and his physique. In the televised broadcast, HyunJoong’s trainer, Kim SangDuk shall be featured explaining how to achieve the abs that HyunJoong posses. During the investigation Mr. Kim SangDuk commented saying, “To the point of gaining the nickname of ‘JjitJoong’, the perfect body that was seen at the concert required 2 full weeks to train, Kim HyunJoong has trained well to get the abs.”
However another shock shall come to fans as Kim SangDuk will also be revealing another secret about his body that even HyunJoong himself is unaware of, which is chronic dislocation of the shoulder. The investigation will be broadcasted on 2nd of June at 8pm.
Seeing the transformation of how HyunJoong got his body is definitely something I think most people are going to be interested in and who wouldn’t want to see that body on TV! Don’t forget to catchSS501’s comeback with their title Love Ya on Friday 4th of June on KBS Music Bank.
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