Super Junior’s very own everlasting friends, also known as their fanclub E.L.F, have decided to commemorate their happiness at Super Junior’s return by making a generous donation to charity organization UNICEF!
The international forums of SJ-World, the place to go for foreign E.L.Fs from all over the world, donated a whopping ₩4,500,00 (or US$3960) to UNICEF on the 18th.
Super Junior just recently came back with their popular BONAMANA, sweeping the number one spot on nearly all the music charts within a day of their album release. It’s no wonder that the E.L.Fs wanted to celebrate their happiness by spreading the wealth, quite literally. Check out the official document proving their lovely donation.
I’m sure the deepest of thanks are sent to all the involved donors by both UNICEF and Super Junior!
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