Although Super Junior is experiencing much success with their new single, BONAMANA, it is hard to ignore the emptiness created by the absence of three members. But recently, Super Junior finally spoke out about their beloved HanKyung!
With their new album and comeback, idol group Super Junior has been promoting with only ten out of its thirteen members. KiBum is busy with his acting career, while KangIn is preparing for his enlistment in the army. The third, and most controversial, is memberHanKyung’s situation. Back in December, HanKyung filed a lawsuit against SM Entertainment and since been cut off from all communication with his fellow members.
One of the members most deeply affected by this ordeal was HeeChul. It was common knowledge to netizens and fans alike that HeeChul and HanKyung shared one of the closest friendships in Super Junior. They lived in the same dorm and had a whole collection of photos together on HeeChul’s minihompy.
Fans affectionately dubbed them the “HanChul” couple. HanKyung’s departure left HeeChul deeply mourning the loss. “I was in a big chaos. It was difficult for me to laugh on TV and dance on stage,” he says. “I had some lingering emotions. Since I did not meet any people, depression got worse. I had lived with HanKyung, drinked together and was really close. It was mentally difficult.” HeeChul has since recovered slightly from his depression, stating “Because he’s a friend, I despise him, feel sorry, upset. Even though I have many mixed emotions, I’ve become better now. I told HanKyung to come over when he gets married.”HeeChul is not alone in his sadness. Leader LeeTeuk also spoke out about HanKyung’s absence. “Because we were always together, I think we forgot that he was a foreigner. We should have talked a lot but because we were busy we didn’t get to communicate often. It must have been difficult for him to have made that decision. I feel sorry.”HeeChul also had other wise words for the public. He revealed that what he “learned after experiencing this is that we have to treat each other well when they are with us. We were able to feel the members’ preciousness.” LeeTeuk added to HeeChul’s advice by saying,
“I think we are working harder to fill the empty spaces of other members. There’s always a place for them. They just have to come back. We are going to work harder so that when they feel that they want to come back, they would be able to come back without any burden.“
With such love for all its members, we know Super Junior will be able to persevere through this ordeal!
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